Sunday, August 22, 2010

Teachings of ShivYog

Babaji often keeps mentioning about the basic principles of Shiv Yog. Babaji stresses the importance to all saadhaks of follow the guidelines and principles of Shiv Yog. This list will be updated periodically.... Thanks to all Saadhaks who contributed..

Three basic principles of ShivYog
1. Accept yourself as you are/Accept others as they are..
2. Forgive yourself/Forgive others..
3. Love yourself unconditionally/Love others unconditionally..
• Shudh Mann, Nirmal Mann, Nishchal Mann, Vishal Mann ...Sab Meetti hai.
• Never ever forget 3 things at any point of time: Sadhna, Seva, Sankirtan
• In Life you only earn 2 things: Blessings & Curses
So try to earn more blessings by following the 3 principles: 1. Gratitude. 2. Forgiveness. 3. Unconditional Love
• Your death refleTcs the way you lead your life. So try to remember that and lead your life to the fullest every day
• Mann hi kartha, mann hi bhogtha..
• "Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu" ---- Let All Be Happy
• Refuse to believe what u do not want... Create and Project just what u want.
• Shiv Anant , Shiv Kripa Ananta
• Like Lord Shiva,in any situation," Always be in a state of Anandoham(Bliss)"
• Never ever lose your Identity,and your identity is
• Always be a student. Dont become a guru. Try to learn even from a minute thing as Lord dattatreya made 'Ant' as his Guru.
• If you are attracting negative things and negative people, then it means it is time for some more sadhana, some more meditation.....
• Make very clear objectives of your life in the Golden Book and read this every morning and night and also before and after sadhana...
• To become Shiva Swaroop, respect females...
• To get into Shivyog, one must have nirmal mann, shudh bhavana...
• Every incident happens to give us a lesson.It's on us whether we react negatively to it and and do not learn a lesson or vice versa.We can change our lives by changing reaction to any given incident.This way, no new karma will be accumulated. Namah Shivaaya.
• If you give unconditional love out of the house to everyone and when you come back you are fighting and sulking at home, it is of no use. Charity begins at home.
• Do not curse anyone for anything..
• You don’t select your Guru; rather it is Guru himself who chooses you.
Tum Chahte kya ho... coz we project what we think.... So think What you want.. Project what you want .... Create your own destiny ...
• Naam Anek par Sabka malik ek
• No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.
I am not this body, I am the soul... Shivohum I am Shiva!!
• Tumne karm bhogne ke liye nahi janm liya hai, tumne karm kaatne ke liye

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