Wednesday, August 11, 2010


  • You have all the powers within you that you are not aware of. It only has to be activated.
  • A child is very divine. It cannot differentiate between good and bad and everything is one to it.  You have to be like a child that is natural and free of discrimination. The child can only see and identify but does not imagine/visualize. With visualization (mental pictures) begin the thought process and all other complications.
  • There are five pranas - Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udana & Samana.
  • The eyes are our outlet to the world.  Wherever our eyes run similar thoughts are generated in the mind and the other way, whenever thoughts arise in the mind the eyes try to run to similar directions.  Hence we close our eyes in dhyana to shut out this door and also turn our eyes upwards to the third eye towards anthardristhi (inner vision). 
  • Siddhi is something that distracts one from the main goal and if one goes behind it then gets into all kind of troubles with it. 

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