Sunday, August 22, 2010


The basic responsibility that Babaji bestows on all saadhaks is to heal. Heal the self (body, mind and soul) and heal others (people, places, situations, animals, plants, earth) Once you get empowered with the Sanjeevani shakthi, you can channelize the divine energy and use it effectively by directing it towards what you want to heal. With a little practice saadhaks begin to heal.
In this modern world of science, people think of such things as taboo and the logic mind does not very easily believe in this, but once one attends the shivir, one gets to experience it practically and all doubts start withering away. BECAUSE ShivYog is Science beyond Science. A science where healing modality is so simple. Nothing is needed here but trust, surrender and patience to master it.

There are many techniques that Babaji teaches (which I am not authorized to put it here) and this happens only after initiation. Initiation is very important as this is when the guru passes on his grace and energy into the disciple through the proess of deeksha (initiation) After basic cleansing babaji prepares one to accept the high energy that cannot be taken in easily by a person without initiation. This is also known as shaktipath. One's kundilini is also activated and the chakras are cleansed. One need not know all this in detail since Babaji takes care of it all. Once the channels are cleared, they become a powerful medium to take in the divine energy and to channel them to where they want.

When a group of saadhaks come together to heal, the healing becomes even more powerful since the energy focussed on the healee is multiplied. These techniques are demonstrated by Babaji in shivirs and healing is done on each and other as per Babaji's instructions. Many healers report different experiences and the results also vary from being very powerful to no effect. It is very important to remember here that it is not that the healing does not work, it happens when there is no surrender or when the ego is too dominant. The saadhak must learn to let go the control of healing to Maa Sanjeevani and allow it to work and trust it's process. This takes some time for some healers to know and understand.

One very important thing for healing is to know that every healer is only a medium and not the actual healer. It is all the divine's grace and the grace of the guru through which the energies are facilitated. In actuality it is babaji who does the healing through the saadhak and we are mere instruments of the divine for being chosen to do that great task. The "kartha bhaav" has to be taken off (taking credit of "I healed the person") The moment the kartha bhaav increases the power of Sanjeevani decreases. It is important to invoke guru's presense during the healing.

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