Wednesday, August 25, 2010


One very important thing for healing is to know that every healer is only a medium and not the actual healer. It is all the divine's grace and the grace of the guru through which the energies are facilitated. In actuality it is babaji who does the healing through the saadhak and we are mere instruments of the divine for being chosen to do that great task. The "kartha bhaav" has to be taken off (taking credit of "I healed the person") The moment the kartha bhaav increases the power of Sanjeevani decreases. It is important to invoke guru's presense during the healing.

Monday, August 23, 2010

About Avdhoot Baba Shivanand Ji

His Holiness Avdhoot Baba Shivanand Ji
is an embodiment of unconditional love
and divine wisdom. Known as the father
of Indian healing, he revived the sacred
wisdom of ancient India and opened the
gates of esoteric knowledge for the
common man. Babaji is a self realized
master and a social reformer. He is
selflessly engaged in various social
and spiritual activities to realize
his mission of healing the humanity.

From the very childhood Babaji
had a strong passion for God r
ealisation. This unceasing and
overwhelming desire led Babaji
to the ultimate union with Divine
Bliss. Immersed in God realization
, blessed with the divine healing powers,
overflowing with love, grace and compassion
Babaji is guiding the humankind to use the
divine energy to lead a complete and balanced
life ultimately reaching their divine destiny
i.e. the Union with the Infinite.

Avdhoot Baba Shivanand Ji is a charismatic personality
. This worthy disciple of Siddhagurus is ardently carrying
on his crusade against the darker forces of pain
and suffering, at all levels. His teachings do
not reflect any elitism that’s why they are
of immense help to the society. His presence
has a cathartic effect. Babaji graced numerous
people and those who got his grace were
overwhelmed with his sagacious wisdom
on basic facts of human life.

Babaji revealed and guided various people
that they can create a life of their liking
by the sheer power of their choice.
Avdhoot Baba Shivanand Ji says.
“Mankind was not meant to suffer,
but to experience the best of the
best on the planet earth. It was
only through ignorance and
accumulation of negative karma that
there is untold suffering
.” Babaji guides individuals to reach
their destination of self-realization
through the Siddha path which is
considered as – more powerful and very secret.

Our destiny can change by practicing
the Siddha ways of meditation through
Babaji’s guidance and grace.
The Siddha lineage, born of Siddhagurus
and pursued with missionary zeal by
Avdhoot Baba Shivanand Ji, takes upon itself to peep
into the internal orifices of beings
in order to rectify the errors here-to-fore overlooked.
Avdhoot Baba Shivanand Ji has
dedicated his life to the noble
endeavor of spreading sacred

Sunday, August 22, 2010


  • Gurus who are in their physical bodies as well as gurus who has discarded their physical bodies can be communicated with.
  •  Tuning to different vibration is a natural thing to happen and there is nothing extraordinary or magical about it.
  • Babaji keeps saying, "Dont try to meet me personally. I do not meet people. Learn to connect
  • "You call me and I am there."
  • "I shall always be with you."
  • "You ask me for healing and I shall give you immediate healing."
  • "Never think you are alone. I am always there to protect you."
  •  During sadhana sit still and just connect to babaji.
  • Call him. Greet him. Send him love.
  • Start talking with him and you will start seeing the results soon.
  • Trust is very important when one seeks communication.
  • The best way of communication is just to sit, go into meditation and ask babaji to come to you and watch what happens.
  •  Do not expect ANYTHING magical to happen or to have some extraordinary experience. Just be silent, zero down all thoughts, achieve dharana (concentration) and allow whatever to happen.
  • So the mantra here for ShivYog saadhaks is: Learn (from babaji), practice (sadhana), receive (grace and healing) grow (self-realization).


  • Healing is not a simple cure for a disease or problem, it actually is the release of these karmas that you have knowingly or unknowingly created in so many lifetimes for thousands of years.
  • It is easy to just wipe it out with a single wipe.
  • One must surrender for Babaji to do his work easily and when one returns home one must do sadhana everyday.
  •  This is very important. Without doing sadhana and only depending on Shivir also will not help.
  • Healing is given in person or distant. It can be given to anyone at any location within the Universe or beyond.
  • It can be given to even situations or things


The basic responsibility that Babaji bestows on all saadhaks is to heal. Heal the self (body, mind and soul) and heal others (people, places, situations, animals, plants, earth) Once you get empowered with the Sanjeevani shakthi, you can channelize the divine energy and use it effectively by directing it towards what you want to heal. With a little practice saadhaks begin to heal.
In this modern world of science, people think of such things as taboo and the logic mind does not very easily believe in this, but once one attends the shivir, one gets to experience it practically and all doubts start withering away. BECAUSE ShivYog is Science beyond Science. A science where healing modality is so simple. Nothing is needed here but trust, surrender and patience to master it.

There are many techniques that Babaji teaches (which I am not authorized to put it here) and this happens only after initiation. Initiation is very important as this is when the guru passes on his grace and energy into the disciple through the proess of deeksha (initiation) After basic cleansing babaji prepares one to accept the high energy that cannot be taken in easily by a person without initiation. This is also known as shaktipath. One's kundilini is also activated and the chakras are cleansed. One need not know all this in detail since Babaji takes care of it all. Once the channels are cleared, they become a powerful medium to take in the divine energy and to channel them to where they want.

When a group of saadhaks come together to heal, the healing becomes even more powerful since the energy focussed on the healee is multiplied. These techniques are demonstrated by Babaji in shivirs and healing is done on each and other as per Babaji's instructions. Many healers report different experiences and the results also vary from being very powerful to no effect. It is very important to remember here that it is not that the healing does not work, it happens when there is no surrender or when the ego is too dominant. The saadhak must learn to let go the control of healing to Maa Sanjeevani and allow it to work and trust it's process. This takes some time for some healers to know and understand.

One very important thing for healing is to know that every healer is only a medium and not the actual healer. It is all the divine's grace and the grace of the guru through which the energies are facilitated. In actuality it is babaji who does the healing through the saadhak and we are mere instruments of the divine for being chosen to do that great task. The "kartha bhaav" has to be taken off (taking credit of "I healed the person") The moment the kartha bhaav increases the power of Sanjeevani decreases. It is important to invoke guru's presense during the healing.

Teachings of ShivYog

Babaji often keeps mentioning about the basic principles of Shiv Yog. Babaji stresses the importance to all saadhaks of follow the guidelines and principles of Shiv Yog. This list will be updated periodically.... Thanks to all Saadhaks who contributed..

Three basic principles of ShivYog
1. Accept yourself as you are/Accept others as they are..
2. Forgive yourself/Forgive others..
3. Love yourself unconditionally/Love others unconditionally..
• Shudh Mann, Nirmal Mann, Nishchal Mann, Vishal Mann ...Sab Meetti hai.
• Never ever forget 3 things at any point of time: Sadhna, Seva, Sankirtan
• In Life you only earn 2 things: Blessings & Curses
So try to earn more blessings by following the 3 principles: 1. Gratitude. 2. Forgiveness. 3. Unconditional Love
• Your death refleTcs the way you lead your life. So try to remember that and lead your life to the fullest every day
• Mann hi kartha, mann hi bhogtha..
• "Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu" ---- Let All Be Happy
• Refuse to believe what u do not want... Create and Project just what u want.
• Shiv Anant , Shiv Kripa Ananta
• Like Lord Shiva,in any situation," Always be in a state of Anandoham(Bliss)"
• Never ever lose your Identity,and your identity is
• Always be a student. Dont become a guru. Try to learn even from a minute thing as Lord dattatreya made 'Ant' as his Guru.
• If you are attracting negative things and negative people, then it means it is time for some more sadhana, some more meditation.....
• Make very clear objectives of your life in the Golden Book and read this every morning and night and also before and after sadhana...
• To become Shiva Swaroop, respect females...
• To get into Shivyog, one must have nirmal mann, shudh bhavana...
• Every incident happens to give us a lesson.It's on us whether we react negatively to it and and do not learn a lesson or vice versa.We can change our lives by changing reaction to any given incident.This way, no new karma will be accumulated. Namah Shivaaya.
• If you give unconditional love out of the house to everyone and when you come back you are fighting and sulking at home, it is of no use. Charity begins at home.
• Do not curse anyone for anything..
• You don’t select your Guru; rather it is Guru himself who chooses you.
Tum Chahte kya ho... coz we project what we think.... So think What you want.. Project what you want .... Create your own destiny ...
• Naam Anek par Sabka malik ek
• No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.
I am not this body, I am the soul... Shivohum I am Shiva!!
• Tumne karm bhogne ke liye nahi janm liya hai, tumne karm kaatne ke liye

What is ShivYog?

      ShivYog is not another religion, not another technique, not     another method, not another practice.
Babaji clearly states that he refers to Shiv as that infinite, which in different languages may be called as God, Krishna, Rama, Allah, Jehovah, etc. It is that same infinite power which is referred to as Shiv. Shiv means infinite and yog means uniting. So ShivYog is nothing but uniting yourself with the infinite.

Babaji does not differentiate any other practice or any other gurus. He always stresses "Sab santh ek math"  and "Naam anek, sab ka maalik ek" meaning names are different but God is one.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


  • You have all the powers within you that you are not aware of. It only has to be activated.
  • A child is very divine. It cannot differentiate between good and bad and everything is one to it.  You have to be like a child that is natural and free of discrimination. The child can only see and identify but does not imagine/visualize. With visualization (mental pictures) begin the thought process and all other complications.
  • There are five pranas - Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udana & Samana.
  • The eyes are our outlet to the world.  Wherever our eyes run similar thoughts are generated in the mind and the other way, whenever thoughts arise in the mind the eyes try to run to similar directions.  Hence we close our eyes in dhyana to shut out this door and also turn our eyes upwards to the third eye towards anthardristhi (inner vision). 
  • Siddhi is something that distracts one from the main goal and if one goes behind it then gets into all kind of troubles with it.